About Me:

Hi everyone! My name is Samantha Pate and I am a Secondary Education major at The University of South Alabama. My main reasons for teaching are: I love seeing individuals succeed in life, therefore I am certain I will assist in the success of my future students. I also love sports and athletics. After I become a teacher, I hope to be involved in the athletic department and eventually become a coach. I would love to coach tennis or the cheer squad...two things I know a lot about. I hope you enjoy my blog. I will be experimenting with new web and networking sites to help increase my knowledge of technology to better my teaching skills in the future.

My Classroom Blog

I am extremely excited to have my very own classroom blog. Having my own classroom blog will give my students a way to communicate with myself and other classmates. This will ensure that my students never miss an assignment or quiz and will give my students the freedom to follow instructions that I post for them much like I have learned from Dr. Strange in my EDM 310 class. This class has given me so many reason to continue learning to be Technologically Literate. I know that teaching my students how to blog will help them learn to communicate in the real world and teach them how to organize their studies. I also want my students to have their own PLN before they leave my class. This will help them in their technology journey.